Information ERG


This gene encodes a member of the erythroblast transformation-specific (ETS) family of transcriptions factors. All members of this family are key regulators of embryonic development, cell proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis, inflammation, and apoptosis. The protein encoded by this gene is mainly expressed in the nucleus. It contains an ETS DNA-binding domain and a PNT (pointed) domain which is implicated in the self-association of chimeric oncoproteins. This protein is required for platelet adhesion to the subendothelium, inducing vascular cell remodeling. It also regulates hematopoesis, and the differentiation and maturation of megakaryocytic cells. This gene is involved in chromosomal translocations, resulting in different fusion gene products, such as TMPSSR2-ERG and NDRG1-ERG in prostate cancer, EWS-ERG in Ewing's sarcoma and FUS-ERG in acute myeloid leukemia. More than two dozens of transcript variants generated from combinatorial usage of three alternative promoters and multiple alternative splicing events have been reported, but the full-length nature of many of these variants has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq, Apr 2014]

Full Name

ETS transcription factor ERG

Source NCBI

ReMap Statistics

Non-redundant peaks

TF Classification

Super Class
Helix-turn-helix domains
Tryptophan cluster factors
Ets-related factors
Sub Familly
Ets-like factors

Source TFClass

External IDs

erg-3; p55
All peaks ERG
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Non redundant peaks ERG
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Datasets Table for ERG

Target name Target modification Ecotype/Strain Biotype Biotype modification Source Species Experiment Peaks
ERG AMLPZ12 GEO Homo sapiens GSE23730 31,875
ERG CD34 NR29 GEO Homo sapiens GSE23730 33,650
ERG Jurkat GEO Homo sapiens GSE49091 64,045
ERG LNCaP ERG GEO Homo sapiens GSE110655 137,556
ERG LNCaP ERG-R367K GEO Homo sapiens GSE110655 111,624
ERG SKNO1 GEO Homo sapiens GSE23730 71,274
ERG VCaP shARID1A GEO Homo sapiens GSE110655 56,545
ERG VCaP shCt GEO Homo sapiens GSE110655 108,536
ERG VCaP shERG GEO Homo sapiens GSE110655 33,534
ERG VCaP GEO Homo sapiens GSE28950 20,087
ERG VCaP DHAT_18H GEO Homo sapiens GSE28950 34,989
ERG VCaP DHAT_2H GEO Homo sapiens GSE28950 24,295
ERG VCaP GEO Homo sapiens GSE49091 44,952
ERG VCaP ETOH GEO Homo sapiens GSE49091 63,013
ERG VCaP R1881 GEO Homo sapiens GSE49091 62,411
ERG VCaP DHT GEO Homo sapiens GSE79128 19,427
ERG VCaP SH1_DHT GEO Homo sapiens GSE79128 16,679
ERG VCaP SH2_DHT GEO Homo sapiens GSE79128 11,707
ERG VCaP SH3_DHT GEO Homo sapiens GSE79128 11,526
ERG HUVEC-C GEO Homo sapiens GSE109625 846
ERG HUVEC-C VEGF_12h GEO Homo sapiens GSE109625 1,928
ERG HUVEC-C VEGF_1h GEO Homo sapiens GSE109625 400
ERG HUVEC-C VEGF_4h GEO Homo sapiens GSE109625 844
ERG K-562 GEO Homo sapiens GSE23730 14,650
ERG K-562 DOX GEO Homo sapiens GSE23730 26,207
ERG MCF-7 GEO Homo sapiens GSE23730 37,001
ERG RWPE-1 GEO Homo sapiens GSE114241 34,189
ERG RWPE-1 FLAG GEO Homo sapiens GSE29808 1,047
ERG RWPE-1 GEO Homo sapiens GSE37752 7,547
ERG RWPE-1 S96E GEO Homo sapiens GSE86232 206
ERG TSU-1621MT GEO Homo sapiens GSE60477 45,704
ERG TSU-1621MT ATRA GEO Homo sapiens GSE60477 78,022
ERG ME-1 GEO Homo sapiens GSE46044 51,044
ERG HAEC GEO Homo sapiens GSE89970 16,487
ERG VCaP GEO Homo sapiens GSE98809 30,205
Target name Target modification Ecotype/Strain Biotype Biotype modification Source Species Experiment Peaks

ReMap is a database of transcriptional regulators peaks derived from curated ChIP-seq, ChIP-exo, DAP-seq experiments in Human and Thaliana.

You are using the 2020 ReMap (3rd) release.
The ReMap catalogues (2020, 2018, 2015) are under CC BY-NC 4.0 international license, while ReMapEnrich, remap-pipeline under GNU GPLv3 licence.

Inserm TAGC

This work was granted access to the HPC resources of Aix-Marseille Université financed by the project Equip@Meso (ANR-10-EQPX-29-01) of the program "Investissements d’Avenir" supervised by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.