Information for NPCS
- Description
Neural stem cells are the multipotent stem cells that generate nerve cells. However, since the early 1990s, neural stem cells have been isolated from the adult brain as well as fetal brain tissues. Stem cells in the adult brain are found in the areas called the subventricular zone and the ventricle zone. Another location of brain stem cells occurs in the hippocampus, a special structure of the cerebral cortex related to memory function. Stem cells isolated from these areas are able to divide and to give rise to nerve cells and neuron-supporting cell types in culture.
- Source BRENDA Tissue Ontology (BTO)
ReMap Statistics
- Datasets
- 1
- Transcriptional Factors
- 1
- Peaks
- 110
- Non-redundant peaks
- 110
- Cell_name
- neural stem cell
External IDs
- Cellosaurus
- Experimental Factor
- BRENDA Tissue
- BTO:0002881
- Wiki
- Synonyms
- Nerven-Stammzelle; neural precursor cell; neural progenitor cell; neural stem progenitor cell; neurale Stammzelle; neuronal precursor cell; neuronal stem cell